tirsdag den 29. september 2009

Party, concert & birthday.

Hey peeps.

So sorry 'bout the late post oO But! Here's finally something.

On saturday, I'm going to a supportparty for children in Etopia on Nørre :D !
Yeah, maybe it sounds pretty boring, but people says it's going to be like a normal party, except that we'll eat dinner together and then we have to see a movie.
Und, the money goes to a good purpose AND the bar is cheeper than usual dx
Nice nice..

And then there's only 6 days left 'til the Cinema Bizarre concert! Yeeeeeah.. It's going to be so wild to see all the people again and Cb, of course ;b There's also that bonus, that I won a competition on Frikvarter.dk about meeting them and write an article for Frikvarter (a danish magazine)about the concert and the meeting xD
I guess I almost can't be luckier dx

UND! Last but not least; My birthday's in 13 days! Yes, I'll only age 16 years, but whatever it's still my birthday and I ONLY deserve nice presents, congratulations and to be treated well. So remember these things, right?!
And remember to sing a birthday song for mex]

So, I'm outta here, 'cause I need to take a shower dx

Bye-bye, for now (: