lørdag den 6. februar 2010


Hey peeps.

Okay, now theres fucking 23 days to the concert. Can you believe how fast the time goes? I start to understand why Dalí painted those melting watches..
Anyway, 23 days 'till the best day of my life & 22 days 'till I see my two best friends again, Tomi & Billa aka Nikita & Emma. Lovely!

And then I'm invited to my first 18-year-old birthday party, one from my class. It's totes awesome, except.. It's the day before Tomi&Billa are coming to sleep at my place, and they'll be at my house really early o.o And the party starts at 21.00, so I don't expect to be home before like.. Really late. I'm going to be freakin' tired, so I dunno what to do oO

Owh, and then.. I found a.. How could I say it?.. Cute boy. Yeah. He's going at my school, in 1.x. What is his name? No, I can't tell, but it's cute, too x)
Oops, I did it again. Really, it's fucked -.-' NO, I'm NOT in love!! He's just cute.


1 kommentar:

  1. Yup, det har du fortalt mig før ;) det med mathias. haha.
