tirsdag den 1. december 2009

1st of December.

Hellow Leute.

It's been a little while, but now I'm here again ;D
Missed me?

So.. Today it's the 1st of December, the first day in the christmas-month. What do I feel about that? Yeah, I'm feeling.. Nothing, actually. No, I'm not in christmas-mood. And HELL YEAH, I'm so fucking tired of all my friends who has been tossing around singing "Jingle Bell" and all other christmas songs since the beginning of November -.-' I need a break from all those christmas covered windows, all the christmas dressed people, all the fake snow all around. Yeah, the christmas just started, and I'm already SO fucking tired of it. Not good.
But trying to turn myself in to a christmas-mood, which NOT worked, I made these two pictures.
It's just for fun, no offence there. And I actually really enjoyed drawing them (in paint), it made me laugh so freakin' much x)
Hope they'll bring you in a christmas-mood AND make you laugh or just smile a little bit ;D



May you have a happy & Bizarre christmas!
And remember; DON'T eat the yellow snow! Right xD ?


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